New Belgium: California Supply Chains Act
New Belgium prohibits forced labor in its supply chain and supports the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 (the “Act”) efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking in all product supply chains. New Belgium implemented a Supplier Sourcing Code outlining New Belgium’s expectations of all of our suppliers when it comes to sourcing practices spanning human rights and business ethics. New Belgium supply chain personnel have periodically visited New Belgium’s suppliers facilities and have found that none of its suppliers are violating laws concerning slavery or human trafficking. If New Belgium were to discover a supplier violating these laws, New Belgium would terminate the relationship as permitted by law and find a new supplier-partner. Currently, New Belgium does not engage third-parties to audit or make verifications, employ formal audit procedures, or require certification of compliance from its suppliers. New Belgium’s internal policies, such as its Code of Conduct, impose on all employees a requirement to report any violation of the law, including slavery and human trafficking laws, and provide whistleblower protection for any employee who makes a report. New Belgium also strives to provide proper training for supply chain team members to identify warning signs and ensure that the supply chain remains free from forced labor.