Why This Year’s Midterms Hit Different

Midterms matter. Yes, presidential elections get all the glamour. But the Midterms will determine who represents you in Congress – the co-equal branch of government with the power to make the laws that end up on the President’s desk – and which party has control.  Plus, this year we’ll vote to elect a large number of state and local lawmakers and ballot measures that shape life in our communities in tangible, immediate, and direct ways. So, that means the people we elect on Election Day 2022 will have a BIG impact on what happens next for all of us.  

Luckily, it’s up to us to choose these people. They work for us. Which means the simple act of voting – for whoever and whatever you choose – makes you the CEO of Democracy. In fact, your vote carries a huge amount of power in the Midterms because Congressional, state and local elections are decided based only on the votes of people who live in your state, city, or town.. 

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Here’s what you need to know to grab the mic and prepare to drop it. 

What’s at Stake 

When all the ballots are counted on or soon after Nov. 8, all 435 seats of the U.S. House of Representatives will be decided, along with 34 seats in the U.S. Senate. And many races are expected to be extremely close, which means the outcome could come down to a couple thousand votes – including yours! 

In addition, 36 states will elect governors, and 88 of the country’s 99 state legislatures will also hold elections. While you might be the CEO of Democracy, governors serve as the CEO of their states, responsible for leadership and policy decisions with a direct impact on residents. Governors, attorneys general, and state legislators can each influence the direction of policy on key issues, and these state elections are in even sharper focus this year with the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v. Wade, placing reproductive rights in state hands.    

Whether you’re passionate about climate change, the economy, gun safety, or racial justice, they’re all on the ballot just waiting for your pen.  

Make a Plan to Vote — and Follow Through

Voting is easy, but it’s much easier when you follow these four key steps: 

  1. Double-check your registration status and polling location. 

  2. Get to know your ballot so you understand the candidates and ballot measures you’ll be voting on. 

  3. Map a plan of how and when you’ll vote so the craziness of life doesn’t get in the way. 

  4. Vote! (Then sticker, high fives, likes, and feel-good vibes)


Our friends at BallotReady can help you complete all these steps no matter where you live! 

Want To Do More?

Beyond voting, the second most important thing you can do is encourage your friends and family to do the same! Here are a few of our favorite initiatives:  

  • The Environmental Voter Project has cracked the code on transforming inactive environmentalists into consistent voters. You can join an upcoming volunteer opportunity from the comfort of your couch. 

  • HeadCount is a non-partisan organization that uses the power of music to register voters and promote participation in democracy by reaching young people and music fans where they already are — at concerts and online. 

  • Handwritten letters are proven to increase voter turnout, and groups like VoteForward facilitate letter-writing campaigns to low-propensity voters across the country. 


Our Votes Are Safe and Secure 

You might have heard people say things like, “You can’t trust our elections,” or “Your vote won’t be counted.” This is false – you can feel confident knowing your vote will be counted. Don’t trust unofficial sources or rumors, and brush up on the facts about election security from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

A few more tips to ensure you feel confident as you head to the polls: 

  • Some states require voter ID at the polls. VoteRiders provides a state-by-state guide to voter ID requirements, and also offer support to anyone who may need help acquiring a voter ID. Visit their website or text/call (844) 338-8743 for assistance. 

  • To report any issues experienced while voting and to receive guidance on how to safely cast your ballot, call or text the Election Protection Hotline:  

  • English: 1-866-OUR-VOTE / 1-866-687-8683   

  • Spanish: 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA / 1-888-839-8682 

  • It’s a federal crime to threaten, pressure, or otherwise intimidate voters at the polls. Thankfully, the chances are very low that you will experience intimidation while exercising your right to vote, but this resource from the Advancement Project is a great guide on handling voter intimidation 

Protect the Only Planet With Beer 

Finally, don’t forget to sign the Beer Drinker’s Climate Declaration! We believe the “beer vote” could make a real impact in future elections – starting with the midterms. Sign the Beer Drinker’s Climate Declaration because together, the “beer vote” can be a powerful force for protecting our planet. You can visit Fat Tire’s digital action center at 

No matter what, your vote will have a direct influence on the policies that affect our day-to-day lives. Get involved, participate, and elect leaders who reflect your priorities. The 2018 midterm election saw historic participation and broke records for midterm voter turnout. Let’s set a new record in 2022!

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