Protect the Only Planet with Beer

1. Sign the Beer Drinker’s Climate Declaration.
2. Access Voting Resources.


Climate change is harming the crops and water required for brewing beer, and as it disrupts water supply and global agriculture, the economic effects will be felt beyond the beer aisle. If we don’t collectively act now to solve one of the greatest troubles of our lifetime – climate change – beer, along with staples like coffee and rice, will be out of reach for many Americans. 

So, that’s why we’re going a step further by mobilizing the approximately 60 million Americans that drink beer to join our movement to protect the only planet with beer.  

Those who sign our pledge are joining together and committing to ask elected officials to get behind climate solutions, urge businesses to embrace climate investments, and encourage citizens across the country to hold governments and corporations accountable for the world and climate our kids will inherit.  

We believe the “beer vote” could make a real impact in future elections – starting with the midterms on Nov. 8. 

Sign the Beer Drinker’s Climate Declaration because together, the “beer vote” can be a powerful force for protecting our planet. Visit Fat Tire’s digital action center at 

With the election right around the corner, we’ve compiled some great resources below so you can learn where candidates stand on climate action:

For Federal Candidates:  The League of Conservation Voters’ Environmental Scorecard grades Senators and Representatives in Washington on their voting record utilizing transparent, comprehensive and nonpartisan methodology. 

For State Candidates:  Check out the Climate Cabinet, which compiles nonpartisan assessments of state legislators’ voting records. 

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