The New Belgium Coworker Assistance Fund was created by coworkers to provide financial support to those who need assistance due to personal hardship or catastrophic disaster.

The New Belgium Coworker Assistance Fund is a 501(c)3, charitable organization and all contributions are tax-deductible. The New Belgium Coworker Assistance Fund is not a part of New Belgium Brewing Company. It is a separate, non-profit organization. Applications are strictly confidential. Assistance granted is a gift, not a loan and is not required to be repaid. 


The New Belgium Coworker Assistance Fund was conceived after our Fort Collins community suffered from the High Park Fire in 2012 and the Larimer County Floods in 2013. During the High Park Fire New Belgium had 14 employees who were evacuated for extended periods of time and two employees who lost their homes.  The Larimer County Floods caused the brewery to shut down for two days and a handful of employees were evacuated.  New Belgium and our employees offered assistance to the affected employees but it became evident that setting up an assistance fund would be a great option for the future.



The New Belgium Bar & Restaurant Relief Fund was created to support food and beverage communities in our hometowns of Fort Collins, Colorado and Asheville, North Carolina, who were in need of financial assistance due to the COVID-19 economic disruption. New Belgium had the opportunity to seed this fund with a $50,000 donation, and due to the support of our individual donors, we were able to march an additional $50,000 in donations! In total, over $310K was raised to support folks in the food and beverage industry, dispersing $350 grants to over 880 individuals in need.