
Clean Water Act

The Clean Water Act is a critical piece of legislation that has protected our country’s waterways for decades.

In the last few years, we’ve seen numerous attacks on the Clean Water Act that have removed numerous water quality protections. These changes impact thousands of breweries, and the drinking water of over 100 million Americans.

We are members of Brewers for Clean Water, which protects the Clean Water Act and advocates for measures that safeguard our water sources.


What is New Belgium doing to fight climate change and save beer?

In 2019, the Public Lands Package was passed by the Senate and in 2020, amidst historic political division, both parties came together to pass the Great American Outdoors Act with an overwhelming majority, helping to secure funding for countless parks and public lands across the country. It’s clear that protecting land and water is something that brings all Americans together. Public lands inspire our adventures, they surround the rivers that provide water for our beer, and they play a role in stabilizing our climate. Thanks to those of you who joined us in writing our elected officials!

What does the Public Lands Package protect?
  • 1.3 million acres of new wilderness areas
  • 700,000 acres of new recreation and conservation areas
  • 620 miles of wild and scenic rivers
  • The gift of free entry to national parks for all 4th graders
  • Increased wildfire protections
  • Permanent authorization for the Land & Water Conservation Fund that supports access to public lands for millions of Americans
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