Jillian Millkey has always worked in male-dominated industries. She currently balances her role managing a backcountry lodge with her duties as a first responder on an ambulance crew. While on opposite ends of the spectrum, both of these jobs have been substantially impacted by the pandemic. Ambulance shifts require extra precautions and induce inherent stress, while the lodge has altered operations to function responsibly within a new normal. Jillian’s two worlds in Ouray, Colorado, are contrasting, but both are as rewarding as they are unpredictable.

Communities reliant on outdoor recreation can use your help. Pre-booking a trip for the future or purchasing gift cards are great ways to support small towns through this pandemic.

Directed and shot by David Chang, Co-directed by Kody Kohlman, Produced by Taylor Boyd, Co-produced by Nora McCombs, Edited by Daniel Fickle