NBB FleetingViolet WebAsset 960x1440 2024

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Lauren Limbach, our Wood Cellar Director & Blender, loves the smell of violets - loves. So, for this Blender Project release, she set out to capture all the flirtatious magic of the Violet in its whole form.

Violets have a sweet and fresh quality. Violet flowers are responsible for the floral, raspberry facets whereas violet leaves impart a cut grass and cucumber feel. To recreate this in beer form, we acidified our golden base beer with our house cultures in large format barrels (foeders). After 6 months, we transferred and infused it with violet flowers, Orris (Iris) root and violet leaves.

The beer’s name refers to an aromatic phenomenon violet flowers have. At first sniff, the aroma is present and distinct, then it’s gone, then it reappears. Our brain’s scent receptors shut down the aroma compound (ionone) and then moments later, turn them back on and you are gifted with the fragrance once more. Crazy, right? It’s Fleeting Violet.